Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Illness Intermission

Lemme tell you, it's a good thing I bought that dress for the wedding two weeks early; if I'd waited till the weekend before, I would've been screwed.  Here's how last weekend went:

Thursday morning I woke up and my stomach felt mildly uncomfortable.  It sort of felt like a fist in my stomach; no sharp pain, just something there.  I think I looked cross and the Yeti asked me about it.  Just a little stomach issue, no problem, I said.  Out the door he went to work.

Flash forward a few hours and it's time for Thumper's morning nap.  I'd been feeling increasingly worse, starting to feel achey all over, but still manageable.  When he went to sleep, I threw up - nothing major, but still.  The Yeti had been having a string of later-than-usual nights at work.  I texted him and told him Thumper was asleep, I was soon to join him, nothing was majorly wrong, but I had thrown up and I'd appreciate a regular work day if possible.  Then I went to sleep.

A few hours later I hear Thumper stir and it wakes me up.  I felt probably ten times worse than I had before I went to sleep - stomach ache, achey, hot, chills, just terrible in general.  I seriously contemplated texting the Yeti to see if he could come home early because the idea of even moving seemed terrible, much less crawling around after Thumper.  I still hadn't decided about texting when I heard a rustle in the apartment.  The Yeti was already home.  I nearly cried with relief.

I decided to go in to the doctor, leaving the Yeti with Thumper.  I wasn't sure if I had a stomach bug or flu or what, but I had a fever and I hoped that if it was the flu, maybe I could get Tamiflu and shorten it (my biggest fear was giving this to Thumper).  The doc visit was a disaster - a long wait with me running to the bathroom to throw up during it.  As I could have predicted during a more rational time, they didn't figure out what was wrong with me, just prescribed me anti-nausea meds and took some blood (and gave me a pregnancy test; rational thing to test, but negative).  I found out at the pharmacy that the meds were incompatible with nursing, and I'd already gone over an hour without throwing up by then, so I decided to play it by ear and never did take them.

It's still unclear what the deal was.   I had a fever, aches and chills for a few more days.  On Sunday or Monday my stomach hurt again, and I began to wonder about gallbladder issues, but it's been fine since.  Probably just a bug, but thankfully, the Yeti and Thumper have remained unscathed.  My guess is that I picked something up from barre class.  That's what I get for trying to be healthy.

The upside of the illness is that I basically missed all that internet furor over "the dress."  It looked light blue and brown to me, anyway.

The wedding was fun and I'll go on about it in more detail later but I don't have any pictures yet - we didn't think to take any of our own and the wedding photographer took a lot anyway.  I know she at least took some of Thumper, but I'm assuming I won't see those pics until the bride and groom get back from their honeymoon.  Worst case I'll stick Thumper back in his clothes and take some recreations because, bow tie!


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