The problem with such infrequent updates is that when I finally do make a blog post, I'm busy thinking about what's happened in a catch-all update, instead of individual topics. It's but one issue in Life Whilst Cutting Eyeteeth. Thumper's mood is generally improving, but lately he's been waking up around 4 or 5 in the morning and refusing to go back to sleep for around an hour or so. He'll act like he wants to sleep with us, and honestly I'd consider it if he'd actually sleep, but he flops back and forth like a fish instead. Eventually he climbs into my arms (after shunning them while he flopped) and falls asleep, and I transport him back to his crib, where he sleeps deeply for another few hours.
Originally he was up for over an hour when he did this. I think last night it was down to around a half an hour, and he's no longer doing it every night. I barely even blink at this weirdness anymore; it always seems to feel like forever but actually be relatively fleeting. Teething, wonder week, growth spurt, whatever; he'll get over it soon.
Thumper's at a tough age; he's not very verbal but he's definitely feeling more, so it leads to mini meltdowns. And he's not exactly at an age where explanation and reasoning cut it. I knew all this in theory, of course, but seeing it happen before my eyes is something else again.
One day we were going to meet the Yeti. I had loaded Thumper up into the stroller; he knew where we were going. We were literally about to walk out the door when I got a text from the Yeti. We were expecting a delivery that day, due to arrive in 15 minutes, and I had completely forgotten about it. I needed to stay there and accept it. I had to take Thumper out of the stroller, and when he realized we weren't going to leave right then to meet Daddy he. was. crushed. He didn't even throw a temper tantrum, which made me feel even worse (as well I should have; this was all my fault). Sure, he was laughing and playing soon, and we went right out within a half an hour, but still. I felt like the Worst Mom Ever.
I started taking Thumper to a toddler play time. He's thrilled every week. So far we haven't had any issues like sharing or fighting, probably because they're just a bit too young yet, but when we first got there he was so excited he shoved a few kids by way of greeting (smiling, like an over-exuberant puppy). No one really seemed to take umbrage, but again, I felt horrible for not foreseeing this. We've been working a lot on being "gentle" and "soft" and the novelty of playtime is wearing off, all of which contributed to a much smoother visit, but still.
So I guess so far toddlerhood has been an emotional roller coaster. And Thumper's been a bit up and down too.